Dayak Simpakng
Regarding the Dayak Simpakng Community Of Life
2.4.1 History, Origins and Spread
Banua Simpakng or Tonah Simpbang Sekayok is a local term used by the Dayak Simpakng to mention a whole geo-political region of their settlement. In the context of today's administrative division, Banua Simpakng covers most areas Simpang District Two and District Simpang Hulu, Ketapang District, West Kalimantan.
Djuweng (2003: 2) suggests the Dayak Simpakng by elders from Rawang Greed, in the Sukadana, Karimata Strait Coast. Simpakng Dayak tribe to migrate further inland. Djuweng (2003: 2) further argued the move was due to the carrying capacity of the environment in the old settlements are no longer adequate for habitation. When it according to the traditional elders (in Djuweng, 2003: 2) Simpakng Dayak communities are led by village chief Mangkgu. He is a community leader who lives in Rawang Greed. The situation in Rawang Greed at that time was very difficult, bamboo shoots, nails, and melinjau game is very rare so it needs to find a new place that is more adequate. Until finally they came to the river upstream areas where land is very fertile. Nature is very prosperous. Mossy fish head having never taken (Djuweng, 2003: 2). Until now the Dayak Simpakng were settled in what is now better known as the Tonah Simpakng Sakayok.
2.4.2 Languages
In terms of language, there are three languages spoken by the Dayak Simpakng. First Baram language that is the language of Dayak unity Simpakng spoken by Simpakng Dayak groups as well as by the Malay and Chinese as well as other migrant tribes who had long resided in that area (Djuweng, 2003: 3). Both Gore is the language, the language spoken by the Dayak tribes who live in the village Simpakng Gema. In the association's fellow villagers that they use the language of Gore's. But when dealing with the other Simpakng Dayak they will use the language of Baram said. Third is the language spoken by the inhabitants Baya Baya Village.
Baram language is the predominant language spoken by the Dayak communities Simpakng. Therefore Baram language is a lingua franca for the Dayak community Simpakng. Simpakng languages have linguistic similarities with the languages spoken by the Dayak communities in the District area, the Group Pandu, Pompakng and most of the Dayak groups who settled in the valley of the River Sekadau.
2.4.3 Economic Conditions
The Dayak Simpakng known natural treatment naturally. Djuweng (2003: 6) suggests the original system of integrated natural resource management (Indigenous Integrated Natural Resources Management System) is the primary extraction patterns made by the Dayak Simpakngdalam economy.
This pattern consists of several key components. First, rhyme magokng utatn torutn is the backup and conversion are sacred places and areas to look for building materials. Second, take balukar Lako uma farms are recycled. Third, the kampbong tamawakng fruit Janah areas planted with various kinds of fruits. Fourth, the inheritance of the land colap Torun sacred places Simpakng Dayak community. Fifth, the market kampbong ground burial area. Sixth, kampbong loboh ie the area farms and residential areas. Seventh, are sunge the rivers to meet water needs and fishing.
2.4.4 Kinship Systems
In the Dayak Simpakng kinship system (pureh) plays an important role in many aspects of life. Pureh will determine how penyapa in individual, marital inheritance, property rights, and other social relationships (Djuweng, 2003: 9).
The kinship systems have a tendency to merge Simpakng patrilineal and matrilineal more inclined to matrilineal. According Djuweng (2003: 9) the main features seen for example by appointing daughter as his heir. In this case, known as ash dapor submission. Abuh dapor is delivered in traditional ceremonies and witnessed by the crowd, towards the wedding immediately following the girls concerned.
2.4.5 Social Organization
Regions Simpakng Dayak communities are divided into three groups namely: community groups in the region Kualan River, River Semandang groups, and community groups in the region pour River. Politically known as the hermit village samilan domong sapuloh (nine rural areas domong ten).
In line with the above, there is a tribal leader in the region's customary three. Rangkaya office name is. Rangkaya is based in Kualan, and the only people who should Kualan hold office. In addition to ruling on Kualan, rangkaya also ruled Semandang and pour. For Semandang region, customary authority of the highest office is kanuroh. In addition to ruling on Semandang, kanuroh also have influence in the region pour customs. While for the pour (Banyor) is the highest traditional authority patingi. His rule includes Bukang Kemintding, Banyor Karab, Gore Mantdok, Kampbar Kamora Sabomatn and Baya.
Arisandi, Bastian. 2012. Cultural values in the story Sabunzu Sarokng Antu Folklore Dayak Simpakng Ketapang. Pontianak: FKIP Tanjungpura University.
Djuweng, Stepanus. , 2003. Oral Tradition Dayak; displaced and forgotten. Pontianak: Dayakologi Institute.
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